Greener Path Forward: Sustainability Efforts at Mevian Medicare

Product Governance
You can easily comprehend how Mevian Medicare takes its social and environmental impact by what sustainability practices are effectively applied within our organization. At Mevian, sustainability has been part of how we wanted to do business before we were internationally present. Here, sustainability starts with all our team members, as to make a real global difference, it’s a look-out priority for every single one of us.

Nature is not only where we live, but it’s also our source of inspiration, and above all, it’s also the future home of our children. So, what are the protective measures and the boundaries to be able to protect it? Mevian Medicare is an international company with a worldwide community, the challenges facing the world take on new importance and levels, and we embrace the responsibility.
“Our sustainability department is our driver for meeting our sustainability goals. What is imperative to mention is that sustainability will always be linked with technology, innovation, and performance alongside supportive processes and products. And that’s always been a part of our strategy and existence of what we do.”
Our Approach
Climate change is impacting the world we live in. We spend a lot of time in nature, so we notice the changes; we see them every day. Our initial instinct is to battle to protect this through sustainability practices. By focusing on the areas where we have the most impact, we ensure we make the biggest possible difference.
To make sure our sustainability initiatives succeed, we must get the basics right first. This means complying with all industry regulations according to local laws in the countries where we produce our products. Another important part of our sustainability work is making sure we’re open and transparent across our operations.
Sustainability is never black and white. A company’s impact varies depending on the angle you are looking from and what are our top priorities. That’s why we must design our strategy and initiatives based on conclusive and solid data.